Sustainable living in Hiranandani Parks Oragadam: How green initiatives are shaping the community

Hiranandani Parks

Ever so often we see trends and buzzwords in the industry doing the rounds, garnering people’s short-spanned attention and eventually, fizzling out. They are transient and rarely pivotal to the growth of a sector. However, one thing we can all agree on is that sustainable living isn’t one of them. 
But what is sustainable living?
Sustainable, or called ‘green living’, is about making sustainable, environmentally responsible choices and promoting well-being. It includes simple changes, such as reducing energy consumption, reducing waste, and conserving natural resources. Sustainable living promotes a harmonious relationship with the environment ensuring that future generations have access to the same resources that we enjoy today.
A paramount factor in molding a lifestyle that is conscious of the environment is the entrance of green initiatives. On this front, Hiranandani Parks Oragadam sets the precedent for how a green living community in the modern day and age looks like. It is transformative at its very core. The Hiranandani Chennai infrastructure supports an eco-friendly and eco-conscious community living. This green initiative is the foundation of a self-sufficient township that offers something more. A chance to have a positive, sustainable, and lasting impact on the future.
The 360-acre Hiranandani Parks Oragadam is exemplary as a green township. It holds a modern water treatment plant adhering to current international health standards, an advanced Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) based on an extended aeration process with tertiary treatment, and composting of biodegradable waste to produce manure for landscaping and gardening. At Hiranandani Parks Oragadam, the green is hard to miss. Over 60% of the township are open spaces that include multiple themed gardens that provide residents with opportunities to connect and engage with one another.
By promoting eco-friendly lifestyles, Hiranandani Parks Oragadam aims to create a better future for all. It lays great importance on a symbiotic relationship between its residents and nature. Every mindful idea incorporated to build the township is a testament to the importance of green initiatives in housing and living.