4 ways the gardens at Hiranandani Parks enhance the life of the residents


Garden enthusiasm is surging thanks to the increased time at home. In fact, people spent 42% more time in the gardens in recent years, according to a new survey.  It is estimated that the pandemic contributed to creating nearly 20 million new “garden-lovers.” Many experts agree the trend toward nurturing plants and vegetables will continue this year and beyond.

Home to 12 themed gardens and more than 1000 trees, Hiranandani Parks, Oragadam, Chennai is the perfect place to own a home. Homebuyers can choose a trendy luxurious apartment or buy a premium villa plot and build their dream home. Here are some ways through which the gardens at Hiranandani Parks, Chennai benefit the residents.

Adds bold, colorful, and a healthy outdoor living space

As people spend more time enjoying the outdoors from the safety and comforts of home, they are taking a new look at their exterior spaces. Colorful blooms brighten the outdoors and elevate the mood, which is why gardens are nourishing. The health benefits of gardens have also been well-documented. Being outside increases your exposure to Vitamin D. One study found that exposure to a bacteria common in the soil increases levels of serotonin, the chemical that increases feelings of well-being.

The fun family-friendly garden

Enjoy spending quality time with family members and friends while breathing fresh air and learning important lessons from nature and the environment. Gardens inspire conversation and they build connections between family members, friends, and neighbours. At Hiranandani Parks, Oragadam, the garden for elders helps senior citizens to mingle and spend quality time. While the exclusive Nakshatra garden that boasts of hosting all the 27 Nakshatra trees and plants is a big-time hit with the residents. The children’s themed garden is loaded with a lot of fun-based activities for children to enjoy.

The year-round fresh and healthy garden

Gardens can provide fresh access to products that can help encourage healthy eating. You can feel confident knowing exactly where your food comes from and enjoy the satisfaction of growing it yourself. Plus, it doesn’t get fresher than picking something from your own garden just minutes before preparing a dish. At Hiranandani Parks, Chennai, fresh organic vegetables, and produce are cultivated and shared with the residents.

Impact on the surroundings and environment

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits of serving as a great place to relax, exercise, or simply soak in the sun from the comfort of your home or even serve as a great space for hosting parties, the gardens at Hiranandani Parks, Oragadam create an environmental impression.

Plants absorb greenhouse gases through photosynthesis. They reduce the glares from buildings and absorb unwanted noise. It also helps in conserving energy. Pollution can also be minimized to a certain extent. Gardens are also a way to provide habitat for different lifeforms. This attracts birds and insects which are always an added pleasant sight in your garden.